So Taguchi's House of Super Fun Time

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dear Miss Sunday,

Hello, I wouldn't expect you to remember me, but I was a student in your 6th Grade class at St. John's Elementary in Toledo a number (25? sheesh.) of years ago.

Your name crossed my memory banks as I was driving home yesterday evening when the Police song "King of Pain" came on the radio. I recall learning this song, as well as perhaps some Carly Simon songs ("You're So Vain", maybe?) as a part of your class.

As I thought about it, I realized what a great experience your class was and outside the norm of the typically staid/unchallenging Catholic grade school curriculum at that time. So, I wanted to personally thank you for going the extra mile in reaching out and engaging myself and my clasmates at a higher level than what was required or expected.

Teaching seems to be a somewhat thankless job, so given an opportunity to show my appreciation, 25 years after the fact - thank you!

Your efforts then played no small part in helping shape the critically thinking, socially conscious, 37-year old urban dweller that I am today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

25 years ago? yikes, that makes you sound super old.

2:38 PM  

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